Interviews, blog posts, videos and press reactions to my research

July 2024

I got the chance to contribute to EenVandaag about the plans of the Dutch government to tax imports of a value below €150 from Asian E-commerce platforms such as Shein and Temu. The article and full TV item presented on July 29 can be found here.

March 2024

I gave a public lecture in Schwabach (Germany) about the impact of climate change on the African continent and what research can do to build resilience and to generate evidence on best practices. An article announcing the lecture entitled “Nächste Krise mit Ansage” was in the local newspaper “Schwabacher Tagblatt” on March 11. The lecture was entitled “Klimaverlierer Afrika – Krise mit Ansage: Was hat dies auch mit uns zu tun?”. The presentation slides can be found here. It was organized by Bürgerstiftung Schwabach and took place on March 13. A follow-up article entitled “Die Wissenschaft kann helfen” appeared on March 16.

February 2024

I was interviewed by “Feit or Ficitie” from NPO Radio 1 about employment and what the high share of employment means or possibly disguises. The interview was presented on February 28. A short podcast can be listened to here.

March 2023

I was interviewed by Radboud Recharge about my public speech about motherhood, care and career on the occasion of International Women’s Day. The article entitled “Vrouwen moeten obstakels overbruggen die voor mannen niet bestaan” was published online on March 2nd.

A brief summary of my speech can be found here.

A related contribution of mine to #WeAreRadboud can be found on Linkedin.

October 2022
The local municipality newsletter of Gemeinde Rohr has reported about my inaugural. The article is entitled “Es braucht ein Dorf – Antrittsrede von Professorin Dr. Natascha Wagner über Chancengleichheit von Frauen bei uns und weltweit” (Page 24).

German newspaper ‘Schwabacher Tagblatt‘ has reported about my inaugural On October 17. The article is entitled “Von Leuzdorf aus die Welt erobert“. 

My inaugural lecture took place on October 6 at the Aula of Radboud University. Details can be found in the press release in Dutch and English.

A double interview with my predecessor Jeroen Smits about the Global Data Lab appeared in NSM Focus on October 19. The article is entitled “Global Data Lab is ready for the future“.

March 2022
I was interviewed by the Dutch national Newspaper ‘NRC’ for an article about imports and exports between The Netherlands and Russia and possible impacts of the war in Ukraine for Dutch firms. The article entitled “Nederlandse bedrijven exporteerden vorig jaar voor ruim 5 miljard euro naar Rusland” appeared on March 21st, 2022 in the newspaper’s blog about the war on Ukraine.

Contribution to the Blog BlISS about COVID-19 and health. The post is entitled What the war in Ukraine and the COVID-19 crisis teach us about our global interconnectedness and its implications for inequality.

February 2021
The Dutch Newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ reported in an article published on February 27 about pressure against the opposition in Uganda making  reference to a report I co-produced in 2016. The article is entitled Hoe Oeganda met Nederlandse steun de oppositie onderdrukt’.

December 2020
On December 1st we celebrate World AIDS Day. This year I gave an interview to Erasmus University about the psycho-social impacts of sending text messages to people living with HIV in Burkina Faso. The interview is entitled ‘Sending messages of support to HIV patients

June 2020
On the occasion of International Refugee Day I shared my research about intended return migration of Syrian refugees in Germany and Turkey. The working paper can be found here, a downloadable infographic and a blog post are also available.

The Dutch Newspaper ‘Nederlands Dagblad’ reported about the working paper on June 26. The article is entitled ‘EU heeft morele plicht vluchtelingen te helpen’. The article is not publicly available on the internet. The Italian newspaper Avvenire reported about the research on June 25. The article is entitled ‘Johansson: «Aprire vie legali ai migranti»’.

January 2020
The findings of “The impact of the Ethiopian health extension program and health development army on maternal mortality: A synthetic control approach, Social Science & Medicine in a video.

December 2019
Read the ISS BlISS blog post “Reporting or turning a blind eye? Police integrity in Uganda” and check out the related infographic about my research on police officers in Uganda. 

April 2017
NRC Handelsblad took up my research on gender and teaching evaluations again that has already been featured in several outlets in 2016. For more details see below. The article that appeared on April 1st, 2017 was entitled “Vrouwelijke docent lager gewaardeeld”.

March 2017

RGHI Newsletter March 2017: RGHI Member in Focus Interview about my ongoing project in Burkina Faso. The full interview can be found here.

December 2016
DevISSues: Interview about my research in Burkina Faso in DevISSues (Winter 2016): Staff-student discussion with Vanessa Perez Lamas about the impact evaluation I carry out among People Living with HIV in Burkina Faso. The interview can be accessed here. The project is entitled “Evaluating SMS to promote retention and adherence by HIV/AIDS patients in Burkina Faso”. More information about the project can be found under the header “Ongoing Projects“.

August 2016
Times Higher Education Growing evidence of anti-female bias in student surveys” by Chris Havergal. The article reflects on my research on gender and teaching evaluations. The original research article is published in Economics of Education Review and can be accessed here.

Contribution to a discussion on the enforcement of informal workers’ rights on the INCLUDE Knowledge Platform. The discussion can be accessed here.

Juli 2016
Opinion piece on the INCLUDE Knowledge Platform on Inclusive Development Policies: Beyond formalization: Towards an inclusive approach to the informal economy.

March 2016
My research on gender and teaching evaluations that I conducted with Matthias Rieger and Katherine Voorvelttriggered quite some press responses in the Netherlands. The Working paper entitled Gender, ethnicity and teaching evaluations: Evidence from mixed teaching team can be accessed here. The article as published in Economics of Education Review can be accessed here. Some examples of press uptakes can be found below:

Resource, Magazine of Wageningen University

Punt. Magazine of Avans Hogeschool

Erasmus Magazine

EADI Publication Digest

AD Haagse Courant, March 14, 2016

Kijk of kennis – Nieuws over wetenschap en onderzoek

November 2015
I was interviewed by the Dutch national Newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ for an article about job creation in developing countries. The article took up the results of a Working Paper by David McKenzie presenting experimental evidence from a business plan competition in Nigeria. The program randomly allocated enterprise funding providing each winner with an average of almost US$50,000. The paper suggests that the program had large positive effects on firm entry, survival of existing businesses,  profits and sales. Most importantly, the findings suggest an over 20 percentage points increase in the likelihood of a firm having 10 or more workers. ‘De Volkskrant’ wanted a critical discussion of these findings. The article entitled “Geef een man geld en hij koopt een hengel” appeared on November 3, 2015.